“You Can Make It!”

You Can Make It PosterGod proclaimed that His promises are Yes and Amen and His purposes are fulfilled – His word never returns back to Him void; it ALWAYS accomplishes His intent.  With a God-guarantee, we often start a journey with a great deal of vigor.  We embrace what God has said and excitedly envision the prize at the end of the process.  Oftentimes, however, God does not reveal to us the details of the process.  We focus on the end result without fully realizing the pain of the process we must endure to obtain God’s promises.  When challenges begin to manifest, the vision begins to fade and we may find ourselves ready to throw in the towel.

With Psalm 20 as the launching pad, the Name of Jesus as the fuel and Divine Purpose as the vehicle, Reverend Henrico D. White led the charge this past Sunday for us to use the memory of God’s faithfulness to His people in the past as our weapon to confidently persevere and continue to pursue God’s promises in the midst of challenges.  Recall is a powerful weapon for us when we recognize that ‘Relationship’ is greater than ‘Religion’.

With Psalm 20 as the backdrop, Pastor White reminded us of three vital truths:

1.  God RESPONDS To Our CRY because of our AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIP.  “If you have the ‘Faith Power’ to call God, He has the ‘Fortitude Power’ to answer you!”  God’s silences are not denials, but His season of listening:  He hears us, and then He strengthens us.

2.  God Honors The RELATIONSHIP Of COVENANT… Because we are in relationship with God, we are never alone:  We are in Him and He is with us!  God loves us and He is in control.  “He will never allow you to go into something that He doesn’t have the power to bring you out of.”

3.  We Can REJOICE In CONFIDENCE… Because we place our trust in the Immutable God Who never changes, we stand on the power of His Name and the perfection of His track record. Our relationship with God gives us the ability to speak to every giant in our lives just as David spoke to Goliath, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the Name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, Whom thou hast defied.  This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.  And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”  (1 Samuel 17:45-47)

God’s purposes will never be circumvented!  He has ordained His standard and ordered our steps; assigned our gifts and applied His grace.  Regardless of the environments, atmospheres, regions or circumstances we may find ourselves in, God has positioned us to prosper in whatever He has assigned us to.  It is RELATIONSHIP that allows us to stand confidently through every storm knowing that we are in the Hand of God and He is consistently saying, “YOU CAN MAKE IT!” because we’ve placed our trust in Him.  As we progress through process, we may get weary; we may want to give up.  We can throw in the towel, but God will catch it, throw it right back to us, and then empower us to carry on – His will shall be accomplished.  Set up your banner of victory and claim your victory now!  You CAN Make It… Because God gave you the victory BEFORE He gave you the assignment!  So, embrace God’s word, set your focus, and tell the devil, “Watch my foot!” as you walk out what God has willed!

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