“Navigating From A Broken Place” by Author Roosevelt Ethridge

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AUTHOR ROOSEVELT ETHRIDGE, JR., our featured Christian Living Author for February 2017, has authored 3 published works and resides in Baltimore, MD.

Book Synopsis

Have you experienced break-up, failed relationships, or just repeating the cycle of dating frenzies. This book is an anthology of collected works that speak to areas of brokenness, loneliness, and desire. Sections like From the Mind of A Man provides insight to a man’s thought process in areas of love and relations. This section informs Women about a man’s soft side, dealing with bleeding wounds and much more. Also, in the book you will find other information such as Dealing with Failure and Identifying your worth. This is a compass navigating through hurt, pain and rejection to find love again. Navigating the Brokenness can provide fuel for anyone desiring to share love with another person. This work will drive the reader into enlightenment and courage. There is life after Break-up and this book can give you the tools need to get over dead-end opportunities. The author underlines this work with biblical perspectives that will gear the reader to a place of peace. The Get Over It section is more than a section it is a launch pad. Read and see for yourself.


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