Prayer: God’s Favor

“Dear Lord, thank You for Your favor, which is greater than any open door man could ever offer us. We bless You and honor You for Your hand covering us, Your word keeping us, Your heart leading us. There is none above You and we celebrate You as the Omnipotent One Who is all powerful, the Omniscient One Who knows all things, the Omni-Present One Who is always present.  Your favor is a constant companion, Your glory resting in us and shining through us always.  We thank You, Lord, that every circumstance we face is met with Your favor; every situation we encounter experiences Your favor – we are so grateful to always have the benefit of Your favor.  God, we thank You for blessing us with Your divine kindness, showering us with Your love as no one else can.  We thank You for looking beyond our faults, our shortcomings, our deficiencies, our wrong choices and our bad behavior and blessing us in spite of us.  With grateful hearts, we honor You as the Giver of Life Who always gives us Your very best.  We bless You, Lord, for extending Your favor to us without us having earned it.  There’s nothing we can do to ever deserve the favor You bestow on us; we can only openly express our gratitude by extending Your favor on us to others.  Dear Lord, we thank You for looking on us as recorded in Numbers 6:24-26 – for blessing us; for keeping us; for shining on us, for being gracious to us, for giving us Your peace.  Lord, we love You for blessing us with such an awesome display of Your love. We bless You and honor You as we praise You in Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

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