Lady AJP Comments on Galatians 6:10


God has graced each of us with a measure of His goodness. That grace allotment was imparted to us at man’s creation when He breathed His breath into our nostrils and transformed humankind into a living soul. With that impartation, we received His Spirit – His empowerment to do; and we received His nature – His grace for doing. Since we have already received the power and the grace to do good, God challenges us (through Paul’s letter to the Galatians) to allow our ability and authority to meet with opportunity and object. This meetup is one that we should always be looking to make since scripture tells us to do good at ‘Every Opportunity’. The more keenly we make ourselves aware of the open doors that surround us, the more likely it is that we will be positioned to take advantage of all available opportunities.

Paul also writes for us to do good ‘…especially to those of the household of faith’. This pointed directive brings our attention to the truth that God intends for us to actively pursue opportunities to do good to those who serve beside us. Because our service keeps us in regular contact with this group, it can be easy for us to become familiar with them in light of their role and develop blindness to their needs. To prevent this grave deficiency, Paul specifically points out that we are to be intentional about doing good to those of the household of faith. God has blessed us to be a blessing to others – and those blessings should be willingly bestowed upon all at every occasion!

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