Biblical Wonder Women

Biblical Wonder Women 2022

Although women are not statistically well-represented within scripture, there are women who made major contributions to history, had major impact in the church and served major roles in ministry. These Biblical Wonder Women inspire us to be all God intended despite our challenges. From the strategic prowess of Jael to the powerful service of Tamar, these women show us the power of impact regardless of our stations and in spite of our struggles. For 52 weeks, Lady Angelia Writes will explore the impacts of Biblical Wonder Women: Jael, Elizabeth, Hannah, Lydia, Hagar, The Samaritan Woman, Rizpah, The Woman Taken in Adultery, Hulda, The Widow of Nain, Abigail, The Woman with the Issue of Blood, Rahab, The Woman of Canaan, Sarah, The Woman Who Was Bent Over, A Certain Woman, The Woman Who Anointed Jesus’ Feet, Leah, The Widow Who Gave a Mite, Esther, Martha, Miriam, Mary Magdelene, Deborah, Priscilla, Rebecca, Mary – Mother of Jesus, Rachel, Phoebe, and Tamar.

Join the journey as we explore women from the Old Testament and women from the New Testament, women who are named by their names and women who are named by their conditions, women from all walks of life who experienced life and lived beyond their challenges. As Lady Angelia Ministers celebrates Women’s History for the next 52 weeks, we celebrate the lives of these women and pray that the spotlights we have shined on their lives will illuminate God’s handiwork in them and His purposes through them while enlightening your understanding of His mighty moves through His daughters, our sisters… His beautiful, bountiful, brilliant, bodacious creations! Regardless of lineage, geography, experience, status, training, talents, passions, limitations, deficiencies, fears, skeletons, missteps, mistakes or histories, God uniquely designed each and every one of His daughters with purpose in mind. We are empowered by Him to influence and impact through the gift of our stories. May the studies of these Biblical Wonder Women inspire you to influence and impact others!


Biblical Wonder Woman: ELIZABETH

Biblical Wonder Woman - Elizabeth

Biblical Wonder Woman: ELIZABETH is introduced to us as the wife of a certain priest and is further identified as one of the ‘daughters of Aaron’. Although characterized as righteous before God and walking in all of the commandments and ordinances of God, scripture records … Continue reading

Biblical Wonder Woman: JAEL

Biblical Wonder Women: JAEL

Biblical Wonder Woman: JAEL is introduced to us in scripture as “the wife of Heber the Kenite”. The only other detail noted about her is that she was married to a man whose family was on friendly terms with Jabin, the Canaanite king. The Canaanites had … Continue reading