“Your Turnaround Is Coming!”

Through The Word Monday Meditation: “Your Turnaround Is Coming!” Scripture Focus: Luke 7:11-15 … Continue reading

“Do You Really Want A Change?”

Through The Word Monday Meditation: “Do You Really Want A Change?” Scripture Focus: John 5:2-9 … Continue reading

“I’m On My Way!” – A Sermon Silhouette

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Lady AJP Traveled to Encourage…

Life’s challenges can sometimes weigh us down so much that we don’t think we can make it, but God’s word encourages us to continue pressing on so we can reach God’s expected end.  This gathering of friends was encouraged to continue supporting one another – … Continue reading

A Book Review Reaps A Blessing!

Everyone who had read “JobTitle Worshiper: Understanding The Position Of Worship Leader” was invited to post a review by Friday, February 10th at 5:00pm EST to be entered into a drawing for an autographed copy of “Operating In The Light: The Power Of The Process Preceding … Continue reading