“Preachers Gone Wild” by Author Brent La Prince Edwards

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AUTHOR BRENT LAPRINCE EDWARDS, our featured Christian Living Author for November 2018, has authored 2 published works and resides in Asheville, NC.

Book Synopsis

TOO OFTEN WE HEAR reports of preachers getting caught up in stuff and things that make ministry and the pulpit look suspect and questionable. Yet there s a flip side of the story. While many point fingers of blame and shame against preachers around the world, many clergy are in deep personal pain with no place to vent while still having to carry on the duties of ministry. Join Reverend Brent La Prince Edwards as he exposed deep issues clergy face that are ever rarely discussed! Keeping it candid and talking preacher to preacher, this book will inform, comfort, heal, and revolutionize your life! Where do preachers go when they hurt? While in the Body of Christ there are conferences for women, men, singles, the married, and youth, where are the ministries for the wounded leader? So have preachers really gone wild or is there something much deeper going on? Simply life changing!


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