Confirmation For Revelation… A Testimony!

CLICK HERE to access video of Dr. James Teaching Church School Lesson on Sunday, March 22, 2020.

On March 22, 2020 I engaged in a virtual ‘Sunday School Class’ taught by the Editor of Church School Literature of the AME Zion Church. I was excited about this class because I’d experienced his teaching on numerous occasions and knew that I would not just learn something new, but I would also be challenged in my thinking. His passion for this educational arm of The Church Militant was motivated by his belief of “the significance and importance to teach, train and nurture people through the ministry of Church School, not limiting our opportunities to just Sunday.”  Micah 6:8 was the scriptural focus which confirmed a passion that I had recently developed when my pastor preached that declarative verse. I had no idea that Rev. Dr. Kenneth Q. James, who I affectionately called ‘Dr. K’, would transition from time to eternity several days later.

A year later, my pastor affirms my next #KingdomExploit, Church School Saturday, a virtual class that propels the traditional Sunday School platform into a virtual world that encourages engagement via ‘Seeing’ (Visual), ‘Hearing’ (Auditory), and ‘Doing’ (Kinesthetic) the WORD! This video, the top feature of my Facebook Memories that day, confirmed what my pastor had just affirmed using the lesson based on the very scripture that magnified my passion! He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Thank you, once again, Dr. K!

Know that God has a plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and that plan has an expected end ordained by God. We don’t have to understand, we just have to be obedient – and God will send us confirmations for His revelations when needed. #iWillObey

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