Living In The Power Of KNOWING!!!

Knowing gives us the benefit of responding the RIGHT way when everything around us appears to be going WRONG!  When we know what God said, our circumstances, our situations, our environments, our atmospheres or even the actions of our contenders will not guide our words or our actions because we are ‘in the know’.  It is this state that empowers us to be make a positive impact in bad situations instead of being badly infected.  Joseph KNEW that God had ordained him to be a controller, so he faithfully endured his season as a convict.  David KNEW that God had ordained him to be a sovereign, so he faithfully endured his season as a subordinate. Paul KNEW God had ordained him to be a publisher, so he faithfully endured his season as a prisoner.  Jesus KNEW God had ordained him to be The Savior, so He endure His season as The Sacrifice.  Joseph diverted nations from starvation; David led a nation into multiple victories; Paul wrote encouragement and inspiration to nations and Jesus saved a multitude of people from a plethora of nations to eternal life.

Living in the Power of Knowing takes you from gathering the right INFORMATION (Knowledge) and making the proper APPLICATION (Wisdom) to doing the appropriate IMPLEMENTATION (Understanding) that results in a precise MANIFESTATION (Harvest)!  God intends for us to live in His principles so we can live out His word!  Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”  Having the information without knowing how to make the proper application and then doing the appropriate thing with the application of the information will result in you ‘knowing something’ but not reaping the benefits of having known.  It is when we successfully move from Information to Application to Implementation and Manifestation that we positively impact those around us and even beyond us!  Consistently Live in the Power of Knowing and allow what you KNOW to escort you right into what God said!!!

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