“This Struggle Is Strengthening Me!”

Through The Word Monday Meditation:

“This Struggle Is Strengthening Me!”

Scripture Focus:  Exodus 1:6-14


  1. The Israelites benefitted from a relationship they did not establish.
  2. The Israelites settled and grew in a place of acceptance.
  3. Maintain relationships to transfer the benefits as an inheritance.
  4. Don’t allow death to leave you deficient!
  5. Your oppressor did an assessment on you.
  6. Affliction can be a result of what they think, not a repercussion of what you did.
  7. Affliction can be used as a strengthening agent.
  8. Affliction will also change your oppressors while it is changing you.
  9. Reach out to God, stand on His promises and trust His plan.

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